SPIRAL EARTH magazine May 1 2021
2021 “Architecture & Archaeology”
"...The musicianship is exquisite...the songs call you in and hold you."
"This is songwriting at its absolute best."
FATEA Magazine
2021 “Architecture & Archaeology”
"...Architecture & Archaeology has it all, mining an impressive depth of emotion and truth that anyone would be able to relate to.
Not that Greg Hancock is just a master lyricist. He's one of the best guitarists around, with an innovative style that can leave you spellbound. "
FATEA Magazine
2019 “The State of My Hair”
"...an album that pushes at the boundaries of folk in arrangement, instrumentation and subject matter... a bold and brave record... 'The State Of My Hair' is not just good - it's great and you should make a concerted effort to hear it as soon as you can."
Mike Davies, FOLKING.COM
2019 “The State of My Hair”
"An intoxicating musical and lyrical cocktail of Al Stewart and Ray Davies, infused with his own unique brilliance as a guitarist and songwriter."
Blues and Roots Radio
2017 “A303”
"This is classic modern folk music at its very best, strong themes, insightful and topical writing with superb storytelling, instrumental excellence and one song had this reviewer in tears. ... A303 is the finest folk album I have had the pleasure of listening to in years."
FATEA Magazine
2017 “A303”
“Lyrics, vocals and melodies are all near perfect, and the intricate guitar work is at times truly breath-taking. It's certainly top of my list for best debut album of the year..."
Phil the Music Quill
2015 “Comfortable Hatred”
"...easily the best collection I’ve heard this year, and is unlikely to be supplanted...”